At Celero Strategies, our goal is to help ensure that you are on the right path, with the right focus, the right strategy, and the right people. We recognize that the federal market is not a monolith; likewise, so too is each company different. That’s why we have built the company as a hub for the full array of life-cycle growth services from concept to execution.

It’s all about growth; it always has been and it always will be. Building and executing a successful growth strategy requires an array of capabilities and unique skills that often need to work together.
- Strategy Development and Reviews
- Market Positioning
- Merger and Acquisition Support
- Organizational Fitness and Culture
- Executive Advisory
- Opportunity and Market Shaping

How well do you know, and understand, the forces driving today’s federal market? Is the competitive landscape changing? Are there potential customers of which you are not yet aware? How does the never-ending plethora of legislative and regulatory initiatives impact your business goals and plans?
- Market Research and Trends Analyses
- Budget and Policy Insight and Analyses
- Competitive Analyses
- Opportunity Identification and Tracking

You know where the opportunities are, but are you positioned and ready to take them on? Are your resources focused on the right targets? Do you have the infrastructure to respond to the government’s often unique requirements? Having a great strategy and powerful business intelligence is essential; but without the right execution capabilities success simply won’t occur.
- Capture, Bid & Proposal Support
- Pipeline Development, Refinement and Review
- Compliance Reviews
- Government Relations and Crisis Response